Tim Dodge
The entrance to Patterson Hall West. Rises to room and board fees were among the changes voted for approval by the Board of Trustees. (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)
DeKALB – Starting the fiscal year of 2024, July 2023, room and board fees for Neptune Hall, Gilbert Hall, Grant Towers, Stevenson Towers and Patterson Hall will increase by $200, and room and board fees for Northern View will increase by $100. Increased fees will go toward operating costs for Housing and Residential Services, Campus Dining Services and other related services.
Fees for graduating with a bachelor’s degree will increase from $29 to $40, while graduate and law students’ degrees will increase from $35 to $55. This difference will cover increased costs of creating diplomas and commencement costs.
Tuition for undergraduate and graduate students was approved by the Board of Trustees to have a 0% increase. Undergraduate and graduate student support service fees for Health and Wellness will increase 25 cents, and University Advancement Fees for Capital Improvement and Transportation Access will increase by 45 cents and 70 cents, respectively.
Law students will receive no changes to tuition and service fees until the Board of Trustees votes on any changes during their meeting in March.
Student health insurance will see a decrease in student premiums by 2.5% for the 2024 fiscal year. Premium payments of the past fiscal year have been higher than the claims paid, leading to this decrease in favor for students.
The contract with Education Advisory Board, a consultation firm contracted by NIU, is authorized for a maximum of $12 million toward a master service agreement with the university for five years. This new agreement will consolidate all current recruitment and student retention agreements with EAB into one contract, making for better coordinated efforts and use of funds.
A collective bargaining agreement has been approved between NIU and the Metropolitan Alliance of Police, the union representing the interests of NIU security guards. This bargaining agreement is a full agreement covering employment with NIU lasting until June 30, 2028.