
With the recent attention on environmental concerns, I think that it is important that the organizations on campus are aware of the opportunity to help their campus through the Adopt-an-Area program.

I hope to encourage more organizations to become involved in this successful, year-old, campus service project.

Adopt-an-Area has been continued this year, and Lambda Sigma’s efforts have concentrated on insuring the continuation and expansion of this project for years to come.

Already this year five new organizations have agreed to actively participate; this effort will clean the campus area from Grant Towers to the East Lagoon and from Anderson Hall to the Psychology/Math building.

Obviously this effort is immense and these organizations stand as a model of what this year’s Lambda Sigma’s Service Committee hopes to accomplish in the coming year. We hope to cover the entire campus and involve even more organizations.

On Nov. 9, most of the organizations will be out cleaning their areas, and most have made this a more than minimum effort project by devoting many Saturdays to the cleanup.

The interest and concern exhibited by the people involved in this project has really shown me that this campus is concerned about the world we live in, and I know that we will continue to beautify the campus. I commend the wide variety of involved organizations for giving their best efforts to their areas.

If any organization is interested in participating in the Adopt-an-Area program, I encourage you to contact Lambda Sigma through our mailbox in the SA office in the student center.

Hilary Lee

Vice President

Lambda Sigma