Despite average ticket sales at last year’s Bob Dylan concert, the Campus Activities Board is not hindered to continue entertaining NIU students.
The Dylan concert, which 2,500 people attended, did average compared to other concerts held at NIU in past years, said Concert Coordinator Kristen Sohacki.
“I don’t know where we went wrong. He was successful at other schools,” Sohacki said.
Business will be conducted more or less the same this year as last, Sohacki said. However, more research was conducted and more extensive surveys were done on campus, she added.
Surveys poll students about what types of bands they would like to see, Sohacki said.
She said the student input is helpful, but sometimes responses are unreasonable because people request bands like U2.
The concert committee puts in bids to artists who are affordable for NIU, Sohacki said. CAB’s budget for concerts is $35,468, she said.
Steve Duchrow, activities adviser of program and production services, said the concert committee’s role is to provide entertainment to students.
“Our object is not to make money but to subsidize the prices,” Duchrow said.
There is a lineup of Diversion shows this year. The concert committee is initially working on the smaller shows instead of looking ahead to the big show, Duchrow said.
Campus Activities Board President Jennifer Spaulding said she thinks the concert committee has learned from past experiences.
She said, as president, she does not make the decisions for the committee.