As a college student, especially a first-year student, you may decide to live in a residence hall in order to have a sense of freedom and live away from home. Other times, depending on how far away you live, you may be required to live in a residence hall for at least your first year of college.
When choosing the best residence hall, there are many factors to take into consideration such as cost, how close it is to your classes and maybe even whether they have a living-learning community.
Even though all of the residence halls at NIU have some problems, from flooding in Patterson East to no air conditioning in Neptune West and Neptune North, you have a say in this week’s poll.
Which NIU residence hall is the best one to live in?
Patterson Residence Hall is the perfect spot if you want your own bedroom and don’t want to share with someone else, especially a random stranger. Patterson is also home to the Honors house for students who are in the Honors program. Patterson has a community area with a dining hall, a game room and a seating area.
Even though Patterson is the most expensive residence hall, costing $7,696 per semester, each Patterson suite has its own bathroom. Students only have to share a bathroom with their roommate, compared to the other residence halls where you have to share a bathroom with the entire floor.
Patterson has cluster-style living, so you share a cluster with 12 other people, and in the cluster, there is a TV, a sitting area with couches and a washer and dryer.
Neptune Residence Hall is located in the center of campus right across from the Holmes Student Center. It is nearby buildings that students may have classes in such as DuSable, Reavis or Cole Hall. Neptune also has a dining hall.
Neptune is the least expensive residence hall on campus, which is great for students who want to save money where they can. A double room in Neptune North and West is $5,601 per semester and $5,687 per semester for Neptune East, due to the fact that Neptune East has air conditioning, whereas Neptune North and Neptune West do not.
Neptune has single rooms available, but they are very limited. Neptune also holds the Fine Arts House, which is a living-learning community for students from the School of Theatre and Dance, School of Music and School of Art.
Grant Residence Hall is located in between Patterson Residence Hall and Stevenson Residence Hall. Grant does not have a dining hall, but it is close enough to both Patterson and Stevenson where students can walk to either residence hall to get food. Grant also has multiple living-learning communities that cater to students. Grant is home to the Business House, the Engineering House and the Community Engagement House. Grant costs $6,221 per semester.
Stevenson Residence Hall offers both double and single rooms, and the double rooms are larger. Stevenson has a food court, which some may say is better than Patterson and Neptune dining halls.
Stevenson is also nearby the Convocation Center, where most NIU athletics take place, and is also near the West Lagoon. Even though Stevenson may be the farthest from campus, it also offers multiple living-learning communities such as the TEACH House and the Health Professions House.
Gilbert Residence Hall is a great option for upperclassmen looking for somewhere to live. Gilbert is near the art and music buildings, making it a great option for students who are majoring in art or music. Gilbert has double rooms, with single rooms being extremely selective. Gilbert doesn’t have a dining hall, but it does have a cafe that students can get food from.
Results of last week’s poll: Which iconic small town DeKalb symbol is your favorite?
The Junction Eating Place – 40%
Barb City Laundry and Tanning – 7%
The old train station – 16%
Kitchens Bathrooms Call Mike – 4%
Spelling DeKalb – 14%
Chicken – 19%