Keyondra Muhammad, a junior psychology major, responds to a street interviews prompt. What do you do for self-care? (Northern Star Graphic)
In honor of January being self-love month, it’s important to engage in self-care activities. Self-care is good for your mental health and is a good way to unwind after a long day of classes or work.
Some students across campus shared what they do for self-care.
What do you do for self-care?
Divine O’Neal, a first-year psychology major, likes to get her nails done and listen to music.
Q: “What do you do for self-care?”
A: “So basically, I feel like I’m very high maintenance. I know I am. So I like to make sure that I get my nails done and stuff. Sometimes, I take a break and listen to a lot of music. Also I like reading books and then I make sure I do skincare and hygiene wash. My skincare is very expensive, I’m not going to lie. I feel like also putting on a good outfit, because if you look good you feel good.”
Keyondra Muhammad, a junior psychology major, likes to read romance novels.
Q: “What do you do for self-care?”
A: “My self-care routine would include face masks, music and also reading books and watching TV.”
Q: “What kind of books would you read?”
A: “I read a lot of romance novels.”
Q: “What kind of music gets you in that self-care mood?”
A: “Neo soul”
Q: “Any specific artists to recommend?”
A: “Erykah Badu, that’s a top one. She takes the whole category.”
Sky Boniecki, a junior environmental justice major, finds the balance between having time alone and having time with friends.
Q: “What do you do for self-care?”
A: “So usually I try to think about the balance between having time alone and having time with my friends or just like socializing in general. I think having that balance has definitely worked for me. I do value my alone time. Sometimes I’ll just watch TV or play a game. I do feel very fortunate and privileged to have that balance and that chance to just relax. I do have my own dorm which helps. I am also very fortunate and privileged to have that. I think the main thing would be the balance if possible.”
Q: “What kind of things do you do with your friends to make that balance happen?”
A: “The friends that I hang out with, sometimes we’ll watch TV, sometimes we’ll play video games, sometimes we’ll play board games, but I think really engaging in the connections you have with your friends is really beneficial for our social health and fostering community.”