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War in the Gulf—it’s for real. No Kidding. Only a complete hermit would not know by now that the United States is at war with Iraq and that people have been killed by it.

But to make a statement that only 1 percent of NIU’s population gives a hoot about the war is insulting.

Everyone is affected by the war. But just because we don’t go to rallies and protests about the war and display our views does not mean that we don’t care.

Some of us prefer to get involved in different ways, such as speaking with family, friends and classmates about it, silent, yet visible support such as a yellow ribbon on a doorknob or tree, or just watching the news to find out all that we can without it being clouded by too many people’s opinions.

Just because we choose not to go to a rally or a protest does not mean that we don’t care, it just means that we choose to show our support in different ways.

Some of us may remember seeing videos of protests of the Vietnam War, and may think that it won’t change. That the protests will be the same, and that it could get violent.

Granted, the rally last Thursday was not a violent one, but we still have our own choice to make and we do not need to be condemned as “apathetic” or “not giving a hoot” because we chose not to support or protest the war in our own way.

So before you go around labeling the other 99 percent of NIU as “apathetic” (which is what you really meant), I suggest you tour the residence halls and Greek Row to find out what people are doing.

Maybe then The Northern Star will get respect as a newspaper and not a grocery store tabloid.

Eric Themanson

