SAMTB supports paid vice chairman

By Maureen Morrissey

Student Association Mass Transit Board members supported a paid vice chairman position for the board Monday.

Transit Board Adviser David Pack suggested the position to the board because of increased responsibilities. The SA Senate must approve the position.

“There has been change in the board for 20 years and the system is growing,” said SA Sen. Todd Allen, a transit board member.

The mass transit board was set up in 1971 to oversee the NIU bus system, which consisted of eight buses. The board now manages 13 buses, as well as Late Night Ride Service and two handivans, which transport students with disabilities around campus.

“The Mass Transit adviser is the most overburdened of the executive staff,” said SA Senate Speaker John Fallon.

Sen. Rob McCormack said “Dave (Pack) has a lot of work in front of him” and “a vice chair position is something to look in to.”

Pack said he wants an amendment to SA Bylaws about the proposed position, stating “the mass transit adviser would have the option to appoint a vice chair.”

The board suggested the position be paid minimum wage for ten hours each week, but would be expected to work 15 to 25 hours.

“There is no concern with (SA) members creating the position, but many members don’t know if it should be paid,” Pack said.

Vice chairman responsibilities included trying to start year-round bus service, investigating state and federal grant money for buses and promoting all board services.

SA President Huda Scheidelman said creating the vice chairman position would allow the mass transit adviser to bring more issues before the board.