Next year’s Student Association president is looking for students to guide the SA.
Advisory spots are open to any NIU fee-paying student. Previous SA experience is not required, said President-elect Rob McCormack.
McCormack needs “advisers who are going to be thorough and professional in their duties.”
Interested students can get applications and other information from the SA office. Applications are due Wednesday.
According to the SA Constitution, the advisers’ duties include:
Academic Affairs Adviser promotes and coordinates improvements within NIU’s academic programs.
Election Commissioner determines the validity of SA candidacy petitions and oversees SA elections and referenda.
Mass Transit Adviser oversees the Huskie Bus Line and keeps the busing fee as low as possible while maintaining adequate service.
Minority Relations Adviser encourages minority student participation in the SA.
Public Relations Adviser informs NIU students of “pertinent information and items of interest” by publicity of SA events.
Recreation Adviser promotes and coordinates recreation for NIU students and is a liaison between the SA and the Office of Campus Recreation.
Research Adviser must research information for the senate, maintain a general filing system for the SA archives and conduct public opinion polls.
Student Regent attends Board of Regents meetings and is a liaison between the SA and the board.
Tenant Union Director maintains relationships between student apartment-renters and landlords.
Welfare Adviser promotes and coordinates efforts to improve the quality and welfare of student life within NIU and DeKalb.