SHAC informs NIU of issues

By Ken Goze

The Student Health Advisory Council was formed more than ten years ago to give students a voice in NIU’s Health Services.

SHAC Chairman Steve Cohen, a senior health administration major, said the 18-member volunteer committee includes students ranging from sophomore to senior standing with a health-related major.

SHAC works out of an office in the health services building to inform students of health-related issues and lobby for student interests, Cohen said.

SHAC member Deb Johnson said the committee worked to keep student health insurance costs as low as possible while keeping most of the benefits.

Other activities include refilling the free condom bowl and checking the suggestions box in the health center lobby, Cohen said.

“We haven’t received too many responses this year, but when we do, we personally go to Dr. Rosemary Lane (health services director) and discuss any problems,” Johnson said.

SHAC is recognized by the Student Association, but receives no money from them.

The group has four faculty advisers and recruits new members every semester. Committee members spend two to three hours per week running the office, and hold one-hour weekly meetings.

Persons interestd in joining SHAC can call 753-1311 and leave a message.