Two newly-elected Student Association senators took their names off a petition to remove the SA president from office because they did not know what they were getting into.
Senators Gavin Kemp and Steven Zarch removed their names from the impeachment petition last week, claiming they originally thought signing the petition would inform them of the issue.
“I signed it because I wanted to make sure things were brought out in the open, but I don’t know how I’m going to vote,” Zarch said.
Kemp said he talked to Zarch and SA President Huda Scheidelman and found he was misled. Although he said he was not forced to sign the petition, Kemp said he felt the petitioners played on his gullibility. Senators Galvin Kennedy and James Mertes started the petition Jan. 28.
“When I signed the petition, I was told that was the channel used to get the discussion on the floor,” Kemp said, adding he was told discussion can take place if a closed senate session is called.
Scheidelman said Zarch asked her at the first senate meeting if taking his name off the petition would improve the situation. Scheidelman said she told Zarch removing his name would be “beneficial.”
Scheidelman also said she called Kemp and asked him why he signed the petition.
“It’s an indication of immaturity when people use the word impeachment so flippantly,” Scheidelman said.
Mertes said the signature removal “is a direct result of internal political pressures within the SA.”
Seven signatures were on the petition. Other senators signing the petition include Dave Ivers, Jody Jancaric and Kathleen Rosenberg.
A two-thirds vote is needed to remove Scheidelman from office.
According to the petition, the executive board, under Scheidelman’s direction, abused their power by allowing the Black Student Union to charge admission for the Louis Farrakhan lecture.
The SA supreme court ruled the board’s decision unconstitutional because an organization wanting to charge admission must have senate approval. Mertes said three people decided the fate of student money rather than 45 elected senators.
The petition also states Scheidelman created an image of
ncompetence with her inept dealings with the DeKalb City Council and NIU students’ lack of statewide representation.
The impeachment is scheduled to come up at Sunday’s 6 p.m. senate meeting in the Holmes Student Center’s Heritage Room.