Condom machine sales up

By Ellen Skelly

Sales of almost 4,000 condoms from NIU-installed machines in campus buildings have been highest in the Holmes Student Center.

A total of 3,963 condoms have been sold on campus between March 20, when the machines were installed, and Oct. 15, when the last tally was made. Mens’ restrooms have accounted for 77 percent of sales, and commissions for NIU total $620.

More than 500 condoms have been sold at the student center through Oct. 15. About 2,850 condoms were sold in residence halls, with the highest sales in Grant North and Stevenson South.

“To my knowledge, the sales level has been adequate,” said Barbara Henley, acting NIU student affairs vice president.

The reason for the student center’s high sales is the building’s high traffic level, the central location on campus, and use of the building by both students and non-students, said Steve Lux, health educator for NIU’s Health Enhancement Services.

“Some people get confused and think this (condom selling) is to prevent pregnancies,” Lux said. Better contraceptives than condoms are available, Lux said, adding that condoms are sold to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. NIU had 2,500 cases of STD’s last year, he said.

Both Henley and Lux said students lodged no complaints about the machines. Machines were installed during last spring break in bathrooms on the student center’s lower level, Anderson and Gabel Hall locker rooms, bathrooms in the basement of Founders Memorial Library, the University Health Service building and the bathrooms of residence hall lobbies.

The machines are maintained by National Sanitary Laboratories of Lincolnwood, Ill. The condoms are sold nationally in drug stores with the brand name Protex, said Chuck Newport, NSL sales manager. The latex condoms contain spermicide and are sold for 50 cents each, with NIU receiving a commission for all sales.

The price of condoms sold from the machines will not increase even if the price from the supplying company rises, Lux said.

Health Enhancement also buys 30,000 condoms a year to be given away to students at the health center and informative programs on STD’s given by residence halls, fraternities, sororities and classes, Lux said.