Thanks to fraternity

Many of us involved with the care of Dale Spenser wish to thank each and every member of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity who was at the Kishwaukee Hospital Emergency Department the night of Dale’s tragic accident.

The night of Dale’s accident, not only was Dale an exceptional patient, but all the fraternity members were so patient, polite, and caring for Dale and in dealing with us.

Delta Sigma Phi should be proud of its members and they, too, should be an example for others to follow. The fraternity and Dale have made a lasting impression on all of us who worked that night, including the Lifeline Flight crew.

I have called the fraternity twice to inquire about Dale and both times was met with the same special manner which must be a special quality of all the fraternity members.

We are going to continue to follow Dale’s progress and we pray for his recovery.

Kathy Haggard, R.N.TNS

Emergency Department

Kishwaukee Community Hospital