“Bull Durham”

By Lynn Hammarstrom

Getting farther than first base. That’s the basic objective for nearly everyone involved in the new sex/baseball film, “Bull Durham.” And everyone achieves this end.

This lewd comedy is an adorable entry in the sports film hall of fame. It’s cleverly written, exceedingly well-acted and manages to throw in a certain amount of social commentary without the audience really being aware of it.

“Bull Durham” shows us one season of minor league ballplaying (no pun intended) complete with the ambitions of a rising young rookie pitcher, the fears of a talented but over-the-hill catcher and the lusts of a sexpot baseball groupie.

The three interact strangely, but very well, as the groupie vacillates between the energy of the rookie and the charm of the former star. Susan Sarandon is particularly compelling as the baseball devotee who picks a new player each season in order to augment their physical education.

Sarandon’s character is a bizarre and charming femme fatale who swears like a sailor, has the carnal appetites of a dog in heat and who manages to quote poetry and metaphysics with aplomb whilst ballplayers’ arms and legs are tied to her bed.

Equally irresistible is Kevin Costner as the catcher who’s not quite willing to be just another of Sarandon’s seasonal statistics. A versatile performer, Costner is especially engaging in this film. The one man who resists the enchantress’ seduction is (therefore) the one she wants the most, and it is with often hysterical results that the two battle out their odd attraction. “No one’s ever said no to a date with me before!” Sarandon laments, while Costner argues, “Why is it your choice? Why don’t I get to choose?”

“Bull Durham” is highly enjoyable up to, but not including, its conclusion, which seems to have been slapped on at the last moment and appears to be a sort of quick-fix happy ending. Still, the last five or ten minutes do not diminish the rest of the film’s worth, and “Bull Durham” is a must-see amidst the altogether disappointing summer offerings currently released.