Greek Row fraternities will be required to supply food and non-alcoholic beverages as part of the new alcohol policy guidelines adopted by the InterFraternity Council Tuesday.
The guidelines were compiled by chapter advisers and presidents last semester to reduce the risks of social host liability.
The policies are “things we wanted,” IFC President Tom Zur said. “It’s not like it’s (the policy) being forced (on us).”
The IFC unanimously voted to pass the guidelines which were presented to them by Greek Activities Adviser Jeff Cufaude. They were separated into recommended and required categories.
Cufaude said there is no specific set of punishments for not following a requirement because “if you set a punishment, people (might) determine it’s worth the punishment.”
The policy also was approved by the Panhellenic Council although Cufaude said it does not affect sororities as much because fraternities hold parties more often.
Disciplinary action on reported violations will be decided by the IFC or Panhellenic Judicial Boards, he said.
The required guidelines include:
Never serve an intoxicated guest.
Have sober monitors from the fraternities and sororities present at the event.
Serve no grain alcohol as a primary beverage.
Obtain city permits, when appropriate.
Social chairman must attend an alcohol education seminar each semester.
Sponsor a program on substance abuse as part of its pledge/associate member education.
Recommended guidelines include:
Sponsor no open parties.
Limit hours on dispensing alcohol to 2:30 a.m. on weekdays and 3:30 a.m. on weekends.
Develop a designated driver program if driving to and from an event.
Have a guest list or ticket system to avoid overcrowding.
Prohibit events of drinking activities such as “chugging.”
Chapters should schedule at least one mixer on a weekend evening.
Zur said the guideline policy “shows how Greek Row focus is changing to be more responsible.”
He said he does not think enforcing these guidelines will be a problem because “we are monitoring ourselves,” and it is something “we want to see enforced.”
Lambda Chi Fraternity Educator Jim Valentine said the guidelines will work only if the greeks want it to work.
IFC officer elections also were held at the meeting. Tom Zur will return for a second term as president.
Dave Hochberg, Pi Kappa Alpha president, said Zur has “put some teeth back into the (greek) system.”
Dave Stewart will return as vice president, Dean Chalmers was voted vice president for public relations, Todd Lewis was elected secretary treasurer and Greg Vandenberg was voted vice president in charge of activities.