Student fees subject for analysis

By Pam Schmidt

During the next few weeks, students and the administration will work together to gather information and discuss recommendations for student fees, which will be given to the President’s Fee Review Committee for consideration Oct. 15.

The bond revenue team is scheduled to meet with students Friday morning. The team will be discussing student fees for structures which include the Huskie Stadium, the Chick Evans Field House, the Recreation Center and the Holmes Student Center.

Bond revenue fees might have to be used to pay for any repairs and reconstruction to the student center, HSC Acting Director Marlin Tenboer said.

“The bond will have to be repaid by income (from services such as the Pow Wow and the Huskie Den) and student fees,” he said.

The health service fee will be among the topics discussed at the Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) meeting to be held Thursday, said Dana Mills, assistant director of the University Health Service. The committee will meet at 5 p.m. in room 233 in the health center.

“Students’ concerns, reactions and ideas are important to us,” Mills said.

The parking committee also will talk Thursday with students about fees. The committee will meet at 1:30 p.m. in the Holmes Student Center.

Michelle Emmett, director of University Programming and Activities, asked students to identify some of the issues surrounding the fees.

Emmett said she plans to meet with students at either the end of this week or the beginning of next week.

They are “student-allocated fees, and input should come from students,” said Emmett. “They are student controlled fees.” The student activity fee includes all Student Association-recognized student organizations.

The bus fee “won’t be a big problem” because the university has a three-year contractual agreement with the Huskie Bus Line.

The major consideration the SA Mass Transit Board will review will be the handicapped services and its effect on the budget, she said.

Monday, the MTB will be reviewing next year’s budget proposal, which might include a fee increase, MTB graduate adviser Mary Hermsen said.

ermsen said the board might have to consider raising the fee because of a possible loss in revenue due to an expected decrease in enrollment.

A possible increase in service to the Sycamore Shuttle also might cause the board to consider raising the fees.

After all the recommendations have been turned in, students and administrators will form the President’s Fee Review Committee. The committee will focus its efforts on examining each fee recommendation. The first meeting is scheduled for Nov. 1.