Adoptees OK

In response to the Jan. 28th “Choosing freely” letter, I’d like to address a few points Ms. Kneeland made.

First of all, referring to adopted homes as not being loving is inaccurate. Some of these adopted parents wait up to three years for a baby and are selected very carefully. They must prove they are competent enough to be parents.

Second, stating that “wounds of originally being unwanted might never heal” is absurd. Adopted children barely think about the past. Granted, they have a lot of curiosity, but there are no scars from being placed up for adoption. Instead, we feel special that we were chosen and that our mothers made a responsible and caring decision to place us up for adoption.

Finally, referring to these children as disturbed makes me laugh. Adults are adults whether adopted or not. It doesn’t matter where you came from if you’re happy and living your life to the fullest. I know a large majority of adopted children who are in college, content and have their heads on a lot straighter than other children who aren’t adopted.

The only difference between us and them is that our mothers thought it would be a great idea to keep us alive and place us up for adoption so we could be put in loving homes and lead normal, successful lives.

Julia Baggesen

