The merging of NIU’s telecommunications office with the computer systems and operations center has created a new position at the university.
Walter Czerniak has been appointed director of Computing and Telecommunication Operations. Czerniak is a former computer and communications research manager for Cooper Industry’s Belden Electrical Wire Products in Geneva
The position is a combination of the executive directorship of Telecommunications and the directorship of Computer Systems and operation, said John Tuecke, associate vice president for systems at NIU.
Czerniak’s new job responsibilities include managing the computer mainframe, the minicomputer system which supports the interactions, and research programs on campus. He also will be operating the hardware and software systems and managing the the campus telephone system.
One of the new changes Czerniak will be responsible for is a new billing system for the campus phones. Although no details have been discussed, Czerniak said he hopes the program can be implemented by the 1987-88 fall semester.
NIU will start billing for the campus phone system, Czerniak said. The billing of the phone through the school will lower students’ costs, he said. Although he does not know the exact figures, Czerniak said he thought it would total about 10 percent.