National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

By Sarah LaLond

Today’s national day celebrates the popping, crunching and delightfully loud sounds of bubble wrap.

The brainchild of two New Jersey engineers, bubble wrap was originally marketed as wallpaper and later as insulation for greenhouses.

Before bubble wrap became the bubble wrap we know and love today, it was just two shower curtains sealed together. Formally called Air Cap and sold by the Sealed Air Corporation, (a very practical company name) the box padding material started being stocked on store shelves in 1961.

Pop by Walmart to purchase giant rolls of the stuff for your many bubble wrap needs: packing, pranking friends or relishing the satisfying sounds of plastic bubbles.

If you enjoy popping cap after cap of compressed air, you can celebrate by posting a pop-tastic bubble wrap video to social media using the #OddlySatisfying or #BubbleWrapDay tags.