An atypical college girl’s guide to bullet journaling

By Maddie Barrett

Image Courtesy Pexels

Bullet journaling is all over social media. It’s a customizable journal that can be anything the writer wishes it to be. It can be a planner, sketchbook, diary or all of the above.

Get a journal

An obvious, but important first step is to buy yourself the perfect journal. Lined or unlined, it’s up to the owner. Most prefer an unlined journal and some nice pens, but again it’s completely up to the buyer of the journal and what they wish to get out of the bullet journal experience.

Have a plan

If you want to make a bullet journal, what do you you plan on using it for? Are you drawing, planning, writing or all of the above? It’s important to know what you want to put in the journal so it can stay organized and be happy with your stationary aesthetic.

Get Started

Make a title page. Put your name, the purpose for the journal or anything you see as necessary. You should start your bullet journal with a goal in mind.

Happy journaling!

Bullet journals are a fun way to spend your time, whether it be for planning or anything your wildest dreams can think of.

I use a bullet journal daily and enjoy having something to write my thoughts in, and keep track of my assignments.