A Week Without Straws: Day Two

By Mackenzi Butson

I knew on days I commuted, this eco-friendly challenge would indeed be a task. Since I blatantly ignore my alarms in the morning, you could bet money I’m running late more often than not. I barely have time to put my shoes on the right feet, let alone brew my own coffee.

Day two was an exception; I woke up 10 minutes before my alarm went off. This premature consciousness not only made me on track to leave the house at the right time, but also gave me extra time to scroll through Pinterest in the kitchen! So, I did what any undercaffenaited writer would do; I took the time to find one of my favorite mugs and started my Keurig.

The sunrise on day two was absolutely stunning, as if Mother Nature kissed my forehead in appreciation for my attempts to reduce litter. I’m not a morning person, but the radiant rays left me in good spirits.

Recently, I’ve been using this new form of K cup, according to its product description, “A more environmentally friendly single serve coffee option with a great taste. Allowing you to taste the difference, while you make a difference”.

I love the idea of giving up straws for a week, and even if you can’t, any person has the ability to downsize their waste by simply googling a greener option. Downsize the waste, without downsizing your coffee mug!

Between the smell of fresh coffee and the warmth of the fleeting sunshine, I felt at peace with my world. I realized it doesn’t matter how difficult this eco-friendly challenge is; we have one Earth. Only one home. Mother Nature is beautiful, let’s not be selfish.