Spice Up Your Time-Management Routine

By Mackenzi Butson

With finals coming up and having to balance school, work and excess stress, life can seem impossible to manage! It’s easy to just curl up in a ball and binge watch “Family Guy” until the finals-induced pain subsides. However, I wouldn’t recommend it.

Try the Pomodoro Technique instead!

Developed by Francesco Cirillo, this method uses a timer to break down activities into 24 minute intervals separated by five minute breaks. The idea behind it is to focus your attention on one thing for 25 minutes and to try and get as much done on the one task for that near half hour time frame.


I can do anything for 25 minutes…even fold laundry. After that interval, treat yo’ self for five minutes; that’s enough time to make a cup of coffee, if you’re curious.

Afterwards, take your freshly brewed coffee, add come cinnamon roll creamer, plant your butt down at the computer desk and let your next timed activity commence.

If you follow the simple instructions, within an hour, you can not only finish folding laundry, but also get a good start on that English paper you’ve been procrastinating.

Since time is never on the college student’s side, combat it with the Pomodoro Technique. I promise you will feel as good and victorious as Rocky Balboa, when you complete all of your final projects with time leftover to celebrate at Fatty’s.


For more information on this obscurely named time management technique, click here!