Lies We Believed As Kids

Lies We Believed As Kids

Lies We Believed As Kids

By Eve Grunauer

You’ve been pranked… or you’re just gullible. There are so many tales that made sense as a kid; however, since getting older we have realized the truth. While finding out Santa wasn’t real, many other lies have been more traumatic in my life- here are just a few. 

1. The moon is made of cheese

I wish this was true! Who wouldn’t want a delicious spherical mound of cheese? This lie made me want to be an astronaut just so I could try moon cheese. Hopefully it’s not the same as toe cheese…

2. Bread crust gives you curly hair

…Thanks Grandma for telling me this because to this day, I still cut my crust off. The only time I consider eating crust is when it’s garlic bread, but I already have a head full of curls, so I don’t need any more.

3. Thunder is really the angels bowling in heaven

Kid Eve would just get really annoyed at the “angels bowling” when I was trying to sleep. I imagine my parents told me so I wouldn’t be scared; however, they just gave me an enemy to yell at.

4. If you swallow gum, it will stay in your stomach for seven years

If this were true, my stomach would have no other room for actual food. Maybe I wouldn’t swallow so much gum if they allowed gum in middle school.

5. It’s illegal to drive with an interior car light on

I still freak out when someone turns a light on in the car. I’ll admit it is distracting, but it isn’t a serious offense like I use to believe. If I ever feel the need to be rebellious, I’ll turn on that car light and cruise.