Election: Tammy Duckworth wins US Senator seat

Illinois Democratic U.S. Senate candidate, Rep. Tammy Duckworth, appears in Springfield Aug. 13, 2014.
November 8, 2016
DeKALB | U.S. Senator-elect Tammy Duckworth wins the U.S. Senator seat with 65 percent of votes at about 8 p.m. tonight.
Political Science Professor Matthew Streb said during a WNIJ radio broadcast he’s not surprised Duckworth won the seat over Senator Mark Kirk who gathered 30 percent of the votes.
“Duckworth had a lot of money,” Streb said. “The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee put a ton of money into this race. She’s been up for a while.”
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is a campaign committee dedicated to electing a Democratic Senate, according to its website.
Streb said he thought Duckworth would win the election despite Kirk’s jab at Duckworth. Kirk said during a previous debate Duckworth’s parents came from Thailand to serve George Washington, according to CNN news.
“Obviously Mark Kirk had an impending major gaff in one of the recent debates and many people thought was kind of the end of his campaign,” Streb said. “I thought she was pretty comfortably in the lead before that.”