Students will have another option for late-night studying during finals week. The Holmes Student Center will be open 24 hours during finals week. Instead of many students having to trek to Barsema Hall, they will be able to go to the Holmes Student Center as well. On top of giving students another place for some late night study other than Barsema Hall, the Holmes Student Center will also be giving out free cookies and coffee after midnight until 7 a.m.
The program prioritization reports suggest Athletics become more self-sustaining or have a reduction of resources or to be phased-out, according to a Monday Northern Star article. All students at NIU are able to enter the games without purchase of a ticket because they pay a general fee with their tuition that covers admission into the games. If the athletic programs that are considered revenue-producing are the ones where tickets need to be purchased, the university should consider removing the part of the general fee that is attributed to athletic programs and have students purchase a ticket when they decide to go instead of paying the fee regardless of whether they attend or not.