Numerous buildings flooded at about 1 a.m. including New Hall Residence Hall and Northern View Community.
About one foot of rainfall has caused a pool of water to rise to the height of the curb on Lincoln Dr. North.
About 100 students evacuated New Hall Residence Hall due to the flooding and waited in New Hall Community Center for 30 minutes until electricians arrived and turned off the alarm.
The building’s elevator pit was flooded with two to three feet of water which triggered the fire alarm.
NIU Electrician Gerardo Rangel said this is the first time New Hall Residence Hall has flooded since it was built in 2012.
The flooding has the elevators out of order, but Rangel said he hopes the elevators will be working by the end of the night once the water is pumped out. Rangel said the smoke detectors will have to be replaced.