Pass/Fail: Communiversity Block Party, Lack of counselors for students

By Kaylyn Zielinski


On April 23 NIU Athletics will host a Communiversity Block Party.

This event, as the name suggests, would be a great way to intertwine the university with the community. The university and the community seem to be very separate entities in DeKalb and it is important to host events for both to get acquainted and involved with one another.

The Communiversity Block Party is something students and DeKalb community members should put on their calendar.


The university is not supporting their students in the way that they should be.

Students who are seeking counseling are having to wait too long for an appointment with campus counseling. The recommended ratio is 1500 students to one counselor but currently NIU is at 2,061 to one student, according to an April 18 Northern Star article.

The university needs to understand the need for counselors for the students and help think of alternatives while still at a budget impasse.