Point/Counterpoint: Gmail vs. Office Outlook

By Faith Mellenthin

Faith Mellenthin



Transitioning to Microsoft Outlook 365 will be a difficult process that will permanently leave behind the popular Gmail that is more convenient and easier for students to use.

Google has always been famous for quick search engines and a user-friendly interface.

When exclusively used for school, my favorite feature is composing a new email in a collapsible box on the bottom so I can easily reference prior emails. Gmail also has a unique ability to sort emails in the inbox right away that makes checking the most important ones a quicker process. I find this especially useful while using a small mobile device.

My mobile phone runs on android, but I know those who still use other Google apps frequently. Gmail is integrated with convenient apps such as YouTube, Google Maps, Google Drive and Google Docs. Outlook is obviously very connected with Microsoft Office programs that is helpful for students specifically; however, the Google apps can be applied to everyday life outside of classes.

Office 365 may be the next big thing, but Gmail is also constantly updating and may make NIU wish they never switched.

Kaylyn Zielinski



NIU switching from one email service to another will be a step in the right direction because it will give students a more connected network to work with and communicate with professors.

On May 23 the university will move towards a better email service by changing from Gmail to Office 365. The change to Office 365 is not a new concept and the university has already been in the process of the move since 2014, according to a March 28 NIU announcement.

Since the change in 2014, students are now able to download Office 365 onto their personal computers for free. Office 365, if NIU did not provide it for free, would cost students $99 per year or $8.25 a month with an annual commitment, according to the website. Office 365 includes many of the essential programs that students need to do homework including Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

The decision to switch will make it easier for students to work on the same platform. Office 365 grants access to the same documents from anywhere with their cloud. Changes made to one document, after saving, will show up on another device immediately. Students can work on Microsoft Office on their personal computer and then continue the same work on Word Online on the university computers.

While the email change from Gmail to Office 365 may take some getting used to, it will be well worth it for students to have access to Microsoft Office for free and access to their work anywhere.