The Lucinda Avenue repair cost has been lowered from $550,000 to $440,000, which is great news because the money being used could go towards more important repairs needed around campus.
The misalignment costs will be paid for partly by a grant from the Federal Highway Administration and the remaining costs will be covered by a 2010 series bond fund, according to a Northern Star article Monday.
The fact the misalignment even happened was already a fail in terms of planning, but now that NIU has figured out a way to lower the cost, the situation does not seem so bad. Before the lowered cost the university would have had to use more money outside of the grant. Now, the university will spend less of its own money.
NIU’s annual Towers Magazine is having funding issues and is looking for donations through a GoFundMe campaign. The NIU community should donate as much as it can to help keep this creative publication going.
The magazine is one of the few magazines published annually by the university, and the only one that lets students publish their artworks and their writings.
Students and members of the DeKalb community should donate to the GoFundMe to help the magazine and the students who submit their work. This magazine is a great way for students who work hard on their artwork or writings to get recognition.
The magazine is looking for a donation of any amount. Support fellow students’ work by donating.
To find more information on how to donate, go to