Freshmen talk plans, fears and expectations

By Northern Star staff

A group of students shared why they chose NIU and how they foresee their college experiences. The Northern Star will check in on them throughout the year.

Lilydian Tolbert, freshman nursing major

Why NIU: “It seemed like a good school … the people were nice.”

A Hope: “To go to class and get A’s”

A Fear: “Adapting”

An Expectation: “Diversity” and “to join clubs”

Romel Davis, freshman pre-physical therapy major

Why NIU: “It’s close” and it’s a “familiar college.”

A Hope: “To have a GPA and join many organizations”

A Fear: “Finances”

An Expectation: “Open for anything basically”

Samuel Von Lehe, freshman pre-physical therapy major

Why NIU: “It’s close to home” and is “a good school.”

A Hope: “Just to do well, pass all my classes and stay on top of my work”

A Fear: “Being on time, keeping up and not procrastinating”

An Expectation: “To make a lot of friends and make good relationships with my professors.”

Daniel Rowell, freshman bio-chemistry major 

Why NIU: It’s “not too far from home and offers my major”

A Hope: “Passing grades, meet new friends, get along with my roommate”

A Fear: “Failing, increasing my enormous student loan debt”

An Expectation: “ To have fun, get along with all my teachers and dorm mate”

William Goreth, freshman pre-athletic training

Why NIU: “I love the sports that go on here … I’m a huge sports fan.”

A Hope: “Meet a bunch of friends”

A Fear: “Coming from miliary education”

An Expectation: To “get into the athletic training program”