Pass: New exhibit offers old tales of history
NIU’s Anthropology Museum, founded in 1964, is celebrating its 50th anniversary today in Cole Hall.
From what I’ve seen through the museum’s window, its Curated by DeKalb exhibit is something I will certainly go view, and that’s not just because I’m a sucker for anniversaries.
The museum houses more than 20,000 ethnographic and archaeological objects and has planned celebrations to “remember our history, strengthen our campus and community relationships and spotlight the contemporary relevance of anthropology,” according to the museum’s website.
The Anthropology Museum is offering students the chance to not only view pieces of history but also discover how that history has affected them and their university. Every artifact on display was selected by a campus or DeKalb community member, so every piece is based in the community.
The museum wants visitors to pay attention to “the breadth of human achievement and innovation”and “highlights the depth, richness and contemporary importance of the Museum and NIU,” according to the museum’s website. Community involvement is important, and getting involved is as easy as going to see this exhibit.
Fail: Don’t drive; grab a ride if drinking bar
Living in a college town means we are surrounded by people who are going to go out and drink, and everyone needs to make good choices when deciding to do so. When going out for fun, there should always be an exit strategy.
A man is accused of drunk driving, resulting in a motorcycle crash that killed his wife this weekend in Shabbona. This incident should cause members of DeKalb County to ask, “Why are these preventable deaths occurring?”
There is absolutely no excuse that could justify drunken driving. Deaths as a result of driving under the influence are completely preventable.
Imagine someone is out at a bar. He or she has had a few drinks and is ready to leave for the night and go home. Instead of getting behind the wheel, he or she uses his or her cellphone to call for a cab. Good decision! There are no cabs in town? Call a friend. No friends? He or she should not be out drinking without a designated driver unless home is within walking distance.
Another exist strategy: Use a great service offered by NIU, the Huskie Safe Line, which provides transportation routes to students incapable of driving themselves home 11 p.m.-5:30 a.m. Students can find these routes by going to