Student Association Senate passed a resolution to provide $8,925 in supplemental funding to the Black Student Union at Senate’s Sunday meeting.
The BSU is an umbrella organization that supports at least 22 organizations on campus.
“We focus on unity among the African-American community as well as students of other cultures at NIU,” said BSU President Adewale Adetunji.
Adetunji said the organization has endured cuts in its funding, which has gone down to $2,400 this semester. Adetunji said the group had a budget of $20,000 in 2000.
“Allocating funding to 20 organizations with having a budget of $2,400 would be impossible to do, especially with all the events that we throw,” Adetunji said.
The BSU initially requested $13,925 but said it was willing to take as much as it can get since there was only $9,754 left of supplemental funding to give to organizations at the time.
The funding would go toward BSU’s many events, T-shirts, as well as a summer program. BSU will host at least three events this week, including Chill Fest, a BBQ social that includes a DJ, food and games.
BSU representatives said the organization has hosted fundraisers and participated in community service, but the money they’ve raised has not been enough to cover the group’s costs.
Senator Nathan Lupstein said he supports the organization and said BSU is dedicated to students.
“We have to think precedent, senators,” Lupstein said. “Just a few weeks ago, we approved thousands of dollars for an organization that holds about 20 students. We are talking about 150 students here.”
On March 23, the Bass Fishing Club received supplemental funding in the amount of $16,000 from the SA Senate association by a vote of 12 yeas, six nays and 10 abstained. The money will be used to buy a boat the club members need.
Senators Brandon Phillips and Chloe Pooler were hesitant to give BSU the funding due to an SA Constitutional Law that supplemental funding should not go toward programs, concerts or speakers.
After nearly an hour of deliberation, the resolution passed with 17 yeas and 15 nays.
Resolutions to approve supplemental funding for the National Association of Black Journalists and Forensics were passed. NABJ will use its $500 in supplemental funding at the Midwest Journalism Summit, a summit that equips students to get a job while offering networking and leadership experience. Forensics will use the $3,746 it was funded for the National Forensics Tournament, a speech and debate competition.
Honoring Jordan Lynch
Former NIU quarterback Jordan Lynch was honored at the SA Senate meeting. Lynch was joined by head football coach Rod Carey.
“Being eligible for the Heisman and being voted best college football player in the nation … whoa, did that bring positive light to Northern,” Pooler said.
Lynch said students at NIU are a major reason the football team has succeeded and made it to where it is.
“The reason we have the nation’s longest home winning streak is because of you guys,” Lynch said.
Lynch said he is proud of the NIU football team and being put on the map. Lynch thanked the Senate for honoring him.
Carey encouraged students to continue to support the team. He said even without having Lynch next year as quarterback, the Huskies have the right players to be successful in the fall.
“We have a lot of shoes to fill, but we will be ready,” Carey said.
Lynch said he does have a private workout with the Chicago Bears coming up. He has been in talks with several teams but is excited about the possibility of playing for the Bears.
“The Bears are pretty up there,” Lynch said.
Tuition increase
Student Trustee Elliot Echols talked about his interest in increasing enrollment. It was one of the reasons why Echols voted no to a tuition increase at a Board of Trustees meeting earlier in the semester.
“I voted ‘no’ because I had every student here in my mind,” Echols said.
NIU will see a tuition increase of $90.75 in total, or $6.05 per credit hour, for full-time undergraduate students.
Other business
Nicholas Natalizio was appointed senator at large.
“My focuses for Senate would be awareness and better communication with outside organizations,” Natalizio said.
A bill proposing to recognize Technology Engineering Design was passed. The first TedxNIU event will be April 26 at Cole Hall. So far, seven speakers have agreed to speak at the event.