I’m tired of trudging my way to night classes hoping to grab a cup of coffee only to see the Huskies Hub closed early. Again.
This gripe is going to cause me a bit of awkwardness today as I pay for my breakfast this morning, but it’s time someone complains in an extremely passive-aggressive way.
The Hub is supposedly “open” until 6 p.m., but it appears the staff sometimes decides “6 p.m.” means 5:45 p.m. — and sometimes even 5:30 p.m.
I get it: Sometimes the day is slow, you’re tired of working and you want to go home. Heck, that’s my entire thought process in every single one of my classes.
But, it’s really, really hard to pass up $0.55 coffee — especially before grueling, three-hour night classes that, in a horrible twist of fate, begin at 6 p.m. It’s even more difficult to go anywhere else for a caffeine fix when keeping your receipt hooks you up with free refills for the rest of the freaking day.
It’s not just about coffee, though. The Hub is a quick, convenient stop for students who don’t have money for the Subway next door and don’t have time to run home for a snack.
Putting aside my addiction to the ground, rejuvenating beans of the gods, I think it’s unfair to close up shop if you aren’t scheduled to do so.
Help students out so they aren’t standing there brokenhearted. Either stay open until 6 p.m. or change the closing time to “Whenever We Feel Like It.” At least that would be honest.