A few months ago, while I was out at Dunkin’ Donuts with a friend back home, I received an interesting text from my mom around midnight. I was so confused at the paragraph-sized mess of jumbled letters and words that I thought she was drunk.
The text wasn’t alcohol-induced by any means, which is good because I have never seen my mom with a drink in her hand. Rather, my mom had succumbed to the growing trend of sleep-texting, a relatively new behavior popping up with society’s obsession with continuous instant communication.
According to a CNN article by Breeanna Hare, sleep-texting is most dominant in teenagers, considering the amount of texting they do. I can admit with only moderate embarrassment that when I was 15, I would text more than I spoke. Though I never sent a sleep-text, I’m not surprised it’s becoming a more and more common occurrence.
Sophomore sociology major Thorian Twyner admitted to having a few bouts of sleep-texting.
“I’ve definitely done it once or twice, but not too often,” Twyner said. “They were complete nonsense with no word formation whatsoever, but it’s happened.”
I suppose I can understand how easy it is to wake up in a dazed state of partial-consciousness and instinctively reach for the phone. When I wake up in the middle of the night, if I don’t fall back asleep right away the first thing I do is check what time it is and if I have any missed texts or calls.
By living in a culture where being a text away has become a societal norm, I don’t think sleep-texting is that weird. I mean, the messages themselves are, but that’s the best part about it. Hare’s article included a few sample sleep-texts that I found quite funny.
One of them read, “Wtf did they put in those little bomb things.” Whatever was in those “little bomb things” must have been pretty strong to cause that text to be sent.
Another text stated, “The bullet holes really look great on my teddy bear.” Despite the slightly serial-killer type sentiment toward the teddy bear, I thought this one was just hilarious. I’m a sucker for dark humor, so seeing this made me burst out laughing just thinking about what the person could have been dreaming about just before sending it.
Beside the text from my mom, I personally have never had any experience with sleep-texting. The most entertaining memory of strange sleep-related behavior I have is of my younger brother waking up in the middle of the night, then turning to me and singing Black Sabbath’s “Crazy Train.”
So who knows, from classic sleepwalking to sleep-singing to now sleep-texting, I see many more activities we can start doing while we sleep. I say let’s get proactive with this and start sleep-studying so I can spend more time sleeping and also boost my grades a bit. Hey, it could happen.