City begins spring lawn waste pickup

By Brooke Shinberg

Spring is here and so is lawn waste pickup.

Yard waste pickup began on April 1. Lawn waste will be picked up every regularly scheduled garbage day. Mark Espy, assistant director of Public Works, said the waste can be placed in plastic or steel trash cans as long as the lid is not on. The lid cannot be on because workers need to be able to see into the can and make sure only the correct items are inside.

Espy said biodegradable bags, like those made of paper, are preferred for collecting land waste. Lawn waste that is accepted are items like leaves, grass and branches under three inches.

There are three landscape dump sites: the fire department on Seventh Street, the corner of Seventh Street and Oak Street and 950 W. Dresser Road.

The waste is taken to the landfill and will be recycled to be utilized as top soil, Espy said.