Whether you’re single or in a committed relationship, Valentine’s Day is always good for one thing: sweets.
It’s hard to resist the candy and baking aisles at the grocery store around this time of year. Why not impress your friends and/or significant other with a delicious treat on the big day?
I snagged this first idea from JustJennRecipes.com. The recipe calls for a lemon cupcake; however, you can make whatever kind of cupcake you desire. I used a box of yellow cake mix. Make sure to have a colorful frosting and a heart-shaped cookie cutter at hand. Once you have your cupcake baked and cooled, slice off the top of the cupcake and use the cookie cutter to cut a heart into the middle of the sliced half. Frost the bottom of the sliced cookie-cuttered half and put it on the remainder of the cupcake. The frosting will act as glue between the two parts.
Next up, make your Rice Krispie treats with love. Rice Krispie treats are something that everyone can make, even in a dorm room. You’ll need three tablespoons of butter, one package of marshmallows, six cups of Kellogg’s Rice Krispies, candy hearts and a heart-shaped cookie cutter. Melt the butter and marshmallows together and add the Rice Krispies until well-mixed. Spread contents onto a baking sheet and let cool. Once cooled, use your cookie cutter to cut heart shapes into the sheet of Rice Krispies. Add candy hearts on top for color and flavor. This is super easy and festive.
Whatever you may be doing this evening, you’re bound to get thirsty. Spice up your drink option with this Valentine’s Day Punch from Cooks.com. The recipe calls for two cups of cranberry juice, two cups of pineapple juice, one tablespoon of almond flavoring, one cup of sugar and one quart of ginger ale. Mix and add the ginger ale just before serving. See if you can find heart-shaped ice cube trays for additional flare. Coat the top of your serving glasses with sugar and slices of fruit.
Although sugar is great, I understand that not everyone can have it. If this is a dilemma you run into, don’t get upset–make cheese cake.
DiabeticsDietRecipes.com has a sugar-free cheesecake recipe that is sure to please everyone. For the crust, you’ll need one and three-fourths cups of cracker crumbs, a half cup of fat-free butter and a half teaspoon powdered cinnamon. Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees. Mix the ingredients and press the mixture to completely cover the inside of the pan. Bake for nine to 10 minutes and put to the side to let cool. You’ll then need one cup water, one pack sugar-free lemon gelatin, two teaspoons vanilla extract, one cup light whipped topping and one pack fat-free cream cheese. Mix the cream cheese and vanilla in a bowl until smooth. Add the cup of water and dissolve gelatin in it. Add gelatin to the cream cheese and vanilla mixture and then add the whipped topping. Place this mixture in the now cooled cracker crumb crust pan and place in the refrigerator for most of the day. Place your fruit of choice on top.