Shakira Bates, Northern Illinois University alumni, walks the runway in the Afro-centric Fashion Show hosted by PPMO modeling organization in the Holmes Student Center on Thursay night.
More than 300 people attended the Present Perfect Modeling Organization’s (PPMO) 28th annual Afro-Centric Fashion Show on Wednesday.
Greek organizations like the AKA’S and the KAPPA’s, who founded the organization in 1985, used the event to bring awareness to Black History Month and pay tribute to three members of PPMO who have died within the last three years.
“I’m looking forward to seeing tonight’s show,” said freshman accounting major Allie Ell prior to the event.
The fashion show had a series of different categories based on the Afro-Centric theme. The first category had a jungle theme. It began with two female models dancing to “The Zoo,” by R. Kelly while holding snakes.
The wardrobes focused around animals and nature, and each model had a representation of either in their clothing, accessories or shoes.
“I liked the jungle theme because of the music and the dance moves,” said Stephanie Tran, a senior at Michele Clark Magnet High School in Chicago.
PPMO hosts two fashion shows per semester. The organization recently started competing against other schools during their fashion shows. Their performance is judged in choreography, acting, dancing and their creative runway styles, according to Jasmine Dockery, president of PPMO and graduate sports psychology student.
“I would have to say basically we’re different,” Dockery said. “We’re a different group of people, with different backgrounds, different personalities and different visions.”
Each member of PPMO is expected to represent the five objectives of the organization, including style, creativity, individuality, personality, and pose, according to Dockery.
While models were changing wardrobes for the second theme, Egyptian, audience members were asked to participate in trivia questions on Black History Month. They were asked questions like “What does NAACP stand for?” and “Who is the highest paid African American female actress?”
Marah Eiland, former PPMO model and NIU alumna, elaborated on the steps and processes the team utilized when brainstorming.
“Well, first we come up with ideas collectively and then we pick what scenes we want to cover,” “From there, we come up with creative ways to express ourselves through clothes, choreography and our walks.”
PPMO clothing is sponsored by Kohl’s, Conscious Clothing and SHOP Indulgence, which is owned by former PPMO executive Ericka Brown.
“We [PPMO] argue like family,” Dockery said. “We come together like a family, but we all know we have a common goal, which is to continue our legacy.”
The Afro-Centric show wrapped up with a Harlem Renaissance theme that featured dancing to upbeat tempo music. Each model walked down the runway and struck a pose for pictures. Dockery walked down the runway to applause at the end of the show.
For more information on the Present Perfect Modeling Organization, contact Regina Curry at 815-753-6183.