Save-A-Vet event to honor etired miliary dogs

By Northern Star Staff

Save-A-Vet (SAV) is determined to help rescue military working dogs (MWD) from being put down when their service to our country is done.

SAV provides housing for disabled veterans in exchange for caring for the dogs. Danny Scheurer is accompanied by retired MWD Nero from SAV. He will present to NIU students on the hardships of finding homes for the dogs due to their attack training, field experiences or injuries suffered in the line of duty (including the PTSD that also affects human veterans).

The presentation will be held at 5 p.m. on Wednesday in the Capitol Room at the Holmes Student Center.

Save-A-Vet rescues military and law enforcement working dogs (canine veterans), and shelters them with disabled veterans. All of these dogs have two things in common: They have disabilities that prevent them from continuing to serve on active duty and make them unsuitable for adoption, or they might have specialized training and field experience in dealing with dangerous, emotionally charged and violent situations.

The disabled veterans who shelter with these dogs must learn how to safely handle them and take care of their special needs.

At SAV, there are rescued disabled working dogs from a wide range of government agencies with all different types of training and field experience, including MWD’s from all branches of the military with various kinds of assignments and canines from all kinds of law enforcement bodies and security contractors.

SAV has developed its own training and certification program to prepare veterans to properly take care of the canine veterans. This helps build relationships with different professional canine handlers to help veterans learn how to live with the dogs in a way that is safe and beneficial to everyone.

For more information, contact [email protected].