Opinions have no place in news coverage

By Holly New

This is the end. Almost.

Election season is reaching its conclusion: The American voter population is probably making final decisions, and with only one presidential debate left, there isn’t much time left for candidates to sway voters.

Unfortunately, some media outlets are lending a hand.

News channels are altering their coverage over certain events, trying to paint certain candidates in a particular light. Let’s look at Tuesday’s town hall debate.

Immediately after the debate, MSNBC’s Chuck Todd hosted Robert Gibbs to discuss how well President Barack Obama did. Fair assessment, right? Did I mention that Gibbs is the Senior Adviser for the Obama Campaign? He is being paid to say nice things.

Look at Rolling Stone’s website, which has top politics headlines like “Mitt Romney’s Five Nuttiest Moments From the Second Presidential Debate” and “Mitt Romney’s Tax Dodge.”

I failed to see any coverage from Rolling Stone about the various blunders Obama had in the first debate. But we’re all human, right?

I believe news outlets are supposed to be fair and unbiased. I like to channel my inner Walter Cronkite, former anchorman for CBS News, and think the media’s job is “only to hold up the mirror—to tell and show the public what has happened.” And yet newspapers and magazines around the country will integrate their own opinion in to what they call “news.”

Now, I’m not saying that all media outlets pick sides, and I’m also not saying that news stations shouldn’t provide different opinions.

Don’t get me wrong: I love the opinion section of media. I mean, I work for one. Audiences should be able to see not only the facts but also opposing viewpoints about a certain topic.

But the opinion section is the only place that opinion belongs.

I remind you, as informed citizens, to seek out media that shows both sides. Better yet, look to multiple sources for your information. Broaden where you check for political updates and question what you learn.

I only want to ask voters to keep their ears open and their values in check. Know what you stand for and vote for those reasons. Try to look past the political (and media) fluff and determine what each candidate stands for and which one better represents you.

There are only 18 days until the election. Use them wisely.