InFocus: Grade NIU’s Spring Semester 2012
May 3, 2012
Linze Griebenow
Assistant Day Editor
Grade: C
After going to four schools in four years, I can happily say I’m graduating from NIU.
Well, I’m happy I’m graduating after going to four schools in four years.
Although I’ve only spent one solid year here, I’ve grown up in DeKalb with the university in my peripheral, and its influence on the community was impossible to avoid and generally positive. After Feb. 14, 2008, though I had no intentions of attending NIU then, I knew I would be forever bonded to the communiversity, as lame as that sounds.
Unfortunately, increased tuition without increased academic incentives, athletic coaches with more value than students, professors with doctorates and the unusual circumstances for graduating on time make NIU as average as they come.
So long, farewell and good luck Huskies.
Dan Martynowicz
This might be the most difficult prompt I’ve ever had to prove in 130 words. As a (fairly) humble individual, I don’t mind admitting that the task is beyond me.
Wait, what? Really? Oh, come on…fine. NIU get’s an A. Happy?
Anyway, this is my last column at the Northern Star so here’s what I really want to say.
I’m graduating. I’m done with school, forever. My goofy meat-head smile won’t be next to the crossword puzzle in August, and I couldn’t have done it without my friends. You know who are, and you know that I would have dropped out long ago had it not been for you. Thank You.
Well, that’s it for me. Be Easy, NIU. It’s been fun, but I’m outta here.
Colin Remes
A grade for NIU for the spring of 2012. The question, as always, is how does one measure a successful semester for the university as a whole? I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here at NIU, and this semester has been my favorite so far. I did everything this year that I hadn’t done before.
I went to sporting events, cheered on the team, went to my fraternity’s formal (my first and last) and enjoyed the majority of my classes.
A large part of my final NIU assessment comes from my experience with the career services center, which has continued to offer me opportunities to interview with dozens of hiring companies within my field of study.
From my personal perspective, I give NIU an A for spring 2012.