Letter to the editor: TAILS story should not wary those looking to adopt pets

In response to the article about pets from shelters, I would like to emphasize that one solitary adoption in no way represents adopting from an animal shelter as a whole. I adopted a dog from TAILS in DeKalb last September and, sure, he has gotten sick and has had to go to the vet, but these are the things one has to consider before adopting. I actually spent close to 36 hours debating whether or not I could afford him before signing the adoption form. No offense, but maybe Ms. Robinson should have considered thepotential costs before adopting an animal on the advice of a friend. A smaller animal does not mean that it needs less care, food, love or attention. Euthanizing an animal because one can’t afford to take care of it is horrendous. TAILS probably would have taken him back. These animals need permanent homes, not someone who thinks they would enjoy having a pet for a week or so. No one should be dissuaded by this article from making future adoptions, which is what I feel it is advocating. Also, in my opinion, this is not front-page news. When a story about adopting animals is on the front page and Operation Iraqi Freedom coming to an end gets pushed to half of the sixth page, journalism has failed. I mean no offense to the paper or to the editors, I just feel as though priorities regarding the importance of stories has been seriously misplaced by this paper.

-Nicholas Drammissi

Senior English major