Jen Knobloch | Northern Star
It was early Thursday morning when Sycamore resident Candy Morris’ daughter told her cameras were crowding the lawn of the old courthouse. Not needing to be told twice, Morris decided to see for herself what all the commotion was about.
“I was going to try and go in there through the grocery store parking lot,” Morris said. “I wanted to try and see if I could see anyone. I might wander around until someone discovers me.”
This past week DeKalb has gotten its own little spot in the limelight while cameras, equipment, security and crew members crowd the lawn of the Dekalb County Courthouse for the filming of the newest NBC drama, The Playboy Club.
Morris excitedly mentioned her glee with a filming taking place so close to home. She’s been drawn towards television shoots ever since her encounter with fame as an extra for Hawaii Five-O.
“I was asked by American Airlines to be an extra playing a stewardess on the show,” Morris said. “I still have the tape of the show to this day to show my kids, and they still don’t believe me.”
The Playboy Club takes viewers back to a time when cocktails were $1.50 and the ultimate symbol of status was a little gold key. Set in Chicago in the 1960s, the show is centered around wealthy attorney/mobster/playboy extraordinaire Nick Dalton (Eddie Cibrian) and his bunnies Maureen (Amber Heard), Carol-Lynne (Laura Benanti), Janie (Jenna Dewan), Brenda (Naturi Naughton), and Alice (Leah Renee).
Crew members from the show said they were looking for a courthouse that was intact and of the 1960s era. Luckily for us, the Dekalb County Courthouse fit the bill perfectly. They scouted the courthouse about two weeks ago and have been filming since Wednesday. Filming will wrap up today, crew members said. They do not plan on returning anytime soon to continue shooting.
The crew members were mostly tight-lipped, but one crew member admitted that he probably would have not decided to work for the show had there not been the incentive of the bunnies. On set, the crew member said, there are 20 or so attractive young women smoking herbal cigarettes and sipping drinks daily.
Luckily for Morris, she got a glimpse of the glamour behind the scenes, but for those of you who haven’t, let The Playboy Club be your guilty pleasure and tune into NBC 9 p.m. Monday. With glitz, glamour, and beautiful people, what else could you ask for in a show?