DeKalb County Sheriff Toby Jennings and his police dog, Kane, visit Tailsapalooza Saturday.
DeKALB | TAILS Humane Society, 2250 Barber Greene Road, had its sixth annual TAILSapalooza Saturday.
At TAILSapalooza, there were many dog demonstrations and other displays.
The first demonstration was an agility test; another demonstration was the difference in using a harness and a leash.
The agility test showcased Cru, a black lab. Alex Fausett, TAILS animal care technican, is the owner of Cru.
“We choose a couple of the dogs from the agility class to be in the demonstrations,” said animal trainer Amanda Weides.
Weides said dogs with higher energy and some therapy dogs were chosen for the other demonstrations.
This is the first time TAILS did an agility class, Weides said.
She said the demonstrations promote the classes and the well being of animals.
The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department assisted in a demonstration using its K-9 Unit. Triton and Kane were the dogs presented in the demonstration. DeKalb County Deputy Toby Jennings is Kane’s owner.
Kane’s demonstration consisted of him finding a cocaine scented tennis ball hidden in three crates.
Jennings said the sheriff’s department doesn’t neuter K-9s, they don’t use females and even though the dogs are well-trained, they are still very social. The DeKalb K-9 Unit is the longest running K-9 Unit outside of Chicago in Northern Illinois, Jennings said.
German Shepherds are the only dogs used for K-9 units. Jennings said the dogs are imported from Europe because there are stadiums overseas that train dogs so they are the best quality.
There was also a demonstration by Wild TAILS Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, which help injured or orphaned wildlife. The demonstration was to educate the public on how to care for injured and orphaned wildlife.
Patti Sauber, executive assistant of the program, said it is important for the public to know how to co-exist with wildlife.
Michelle Groeper the assistant, executive director of TAILS Humane Society, said this was her first year doing TAILSapalooza.
“TAILSapalooza is a fun family event,” Groeper said. “There were different demonstrations with cats and guinea pigs. There also were community vendors and different things for kids.”
TAILS does not receive government funding; they get money from promotional funding and the income for adoption of animals, Weides said.