Sycamore will kick off its Earth Day celebrations with a variety of events that aim to entertain and inform adults and kids on the benefits of being eco-friendly.
Molly Holman, executive director of the Midwest Museum of Natural History, 425 W. State St., said the museum will be presenting two events in regards to Earth Day.
The first event, “Eco-House,” will showcase how David Goldblum, NIU assistant professor of geography, and his family made their home eco-friendly through a variety of improvements. Goldblum will be presenting his findings on Thursday.
The other event, titled “Trash to Treasure,” will feature eco-friendly projects for kids, Holman said. The lecture will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m, on Saturday and costs $6 for adults and $5 for children and senior citizens.
The owners of Sweet Earth Jewelry & Gifts, 341 W. State St., are also encouraging customers to show off their green side by having a one-day sale dubbed the “Double Green Bag” sale. If customers brings in a green bag they receive 20 percent off their purchase.
Earth Day was the brainchild of then-U.S. Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin. The idea came to him after he witnessed an oil spill in Santa Barbara, Calif.
According to, Nelson realized he could put environmental protection onto the national political agenda by stressing the seriousness of air and water pollution. He soon announced the idea to the public. Millions of Americans took part in the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, the website stated.