Sycamore | An ordinance to increase ambulance fees was unanimously passed at the Sycamore City Council meeting Monday night.
“Looking at where Sycamore stands in relation to other communities, we are way behind,” said Sycamore City Manager Bill Nicklas. “Rather than leapfrogging the other communities, we hope to pull even.”
The “Treat No Transport Fee” is a part of this ordinance. This is when an ambulance is dispatched to a scene and may provide assistance, but the residents do not require transport to the hospital. The proposed fee increase would help pay for medical supplies, personnel and other costs incurred while at a scene.
According to the agenda, an additional part of this ordinance is the “ALS Intercept Fee.” This would apply when Sycamore Fire Department personnel ride on the ambulances of other municipalities to provide Advanced Life Support services. This fee would be charged to the neighboring fire department as part of the terms of an intergovernmental agreement. The city council moved to a closed session after meeting in public for about 20 minutes.