Control your destiny

It has been said that today’s college campuses are stagnant pools where no new thoughts ever come to the surface. Our generation in magazines, books and television is always being put down for having no political beliefs and convictions. I would have to disagree with how older generations like to characterize us. I would tell them to look at last year’s presidential election. For the first time in many years, the youth vote came out in full force. Here on campus the voter turnout was better than could have been expected. In fact, Lincoln Hall had a voter turnout of 98 percent, and the rest of the residence halls followed close behind. The same thing that happened here happened across the nation. I would not call that voter apathy..

We as the future leaders of America must help instill in the minds of our generation and younger ones the belief that we can control our destiny.

It is not a requirement to have a political science degree or be a lawyer to enter politics or get involved. All you need is the desire to help your fellow citizens and make this city, state and nation a better place. The easiest, but most important way to do this is to VOTE!

Here at the NIU Young Democrats (YD’S), we do this and more. The YD’s have always strived to bring political issues and discussions to the campus and give students’ opinions to our local and state leaders. We as YD’s may hold a lot of signs at rallies, pass out literature, go door to door and conduct public opinion polls, but we also get to do a lot of things that most people do not even dream about doing, especially at this early age. We actually get to work and sit down side by side with county, state and even national leaders to plan campaigns and events. Our members meet many times continually and even work on a high level basis with such people as Denny Jacobs, who is running for secretary of state, Paul Simon, our U.S. senator, and with both Richard Phelan and Dawn Clark Netsch, who are running for the office of governor of Illinois.

If you want to get involved hands-on in government, the YD’s is for you. Three of our members are on the DeKalb County Board and two other members are DeKalb aldermen. The YD’s are very committed to enlarging student representation in our local area. Just think, right now students are doing things that some people wait until they are 40 or 50 to do. You could have more influence in government decisions in your senior year than most people have in their entire lives. YD’s also hold positions in the local Democratic Party. Interested students can hold the position of County Democratic Precinct Committeemen for their dorm, and help make decisions concerning the operation of the DeKalb County Democratic Party. We as students at NIU are very lucky to be at a place where students are welcomed into the party and encouraged to get involved and vote. I urge you to take advantage of this while you are here.

The YD’s welcomes and encourages people of different beliefs to join our organization. Our members hold various opinions on a wide range of subjects. We do not seclude anyone. We have had many lively debates on issues such as abortion, NAFTA, gun control and others.

If you are interested in getting information about the Young Democrats or want to join and would like to know more about our meetings please call 753-2663. Please put that first foot forward, do something to plot the course of all our futures—give us a call.