With elections over, the Student Association Senate is now in full swing.
The senate held their first meeting Sunday night in the Holmes Student Center Sky Room.
The meeting had many purposes; the biggest focus was to get new senators acclimated with the procedures, rules and the voting process of the senate.
“[The meeting] gave senators an overview of what to expect and a taste of standard procedure,” said President Pro Tempore Ryan Smith. “[The information] gives students a greater voice and understanding of the university and how it works.”
Senators present were able to get an idea of where they want to go this semester in the SA Senate.
“I look forward to making sure that there is equality in voting and funding among all organizations,” said Senator Candice Beasley, junior broadcast journalism major.
Also in attendance was SA Vice President Jaemin Robertson, who gave a welcome speech to the senators.
“I felt it was important for the senators to know that I was in the same position as them last year,” Robertson said. “They have the support of the executive board.”
Expectations for the SA Senate are widespread, but they are focusing on student involvement.
“We’re pushing student involvement programs and endeavors,” he said.
The first meeting showed 38 out of the 39 senators present.
No major issues were voted upon Sunday. The senate did, however, vote to approve the 2010/2011 Senate manual.
In the next few weeks, senators will form committees and the executive cabinet as well as the clerk of the senate will be confirmed.