Democrats are responsible for poor economy, poor state of the nation

By Letter Writer

It seems like just yesterday that I attended NIU. Now I find most of my working years behind me and decades of your working life ahead of you. Upon graduation, you will need to find a job to help pay your student loans, living expenses, taxes, and your $100,000 share of the national debt.

The NIU class of 2006 entered the “real world” with unemployment at 4.7 percent, home ownership at a record high, and strong consumer confidence. Then in January of 2007, the Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, took over control of the U.S. House and Senate.

They are responsible for every law passed and all of the spending.

Since the Democrats took over, millions of Americans have lost their jobs, millions of Americans have lost their homes and millions of Americans have lost their life savings. Every job loss, foreclosure and bankruptcy during the “Great Recession” happened while the Democrats controlled Congress.

Also the worst economic year of every president since World War II occurred while the Democrats controlled one or both chambers of Congress. Currently, nine of the 10 states in the worst financial condition, Illinois being the worst, has a long history of being controlled by Democrats.

You can register and vote at the Holmes Student Center or vote absentee, but time is running short. Act now before it is too late. Remember the incumbents like Bill Foster, Melissa Bean, and Deb Halvorson that got us into this mess and vote them out. 

Jim Ewing

Class of 1982