New season of ‘Heroes’ looks promising


The latest season of “Heroes” premiered Monday beginning the fourth volume and story arc entitled “Fugitives.”

The new edition features the main characters from past seasons, except with a few changes. Hiro still does not have his powers and Sylar is not dead like everyone believes he is. Nathan Petrelli is now a senator for New York and besides dealing with governmental issues, he’s also leading the movement to get rid of people with “special abilities.” He fails to admit, however, he is one of the people he is seeking to exterminate.

Nathan’s mission to round up people with abilities provides the starting point for “Fugitives.” Since the first batch of people with abilities has been rounded up — including Peter, Matt, Hiro, Mohinder, Claire and Tracy –, the rest of the characters are now left as fugitives on the run from Nathan’s idea.

The cliffhanger after the first episode shows a plane carrying the heroes about to go down. Next week’s teaser shows the plane making a crash landing leaving everyone to fend for themselves. All of the people who were rounded up were drugged, handcuffed and covered with orange Hazmat-like suits.

The tagline for this part of the series explains that for everyone to survive, they must put aside their differences and work together. Unfortunately, throughout the past few seasons, most of the characters have built up grudges and hold vendettas against their peers.

Volume three, “Villians,” focused on the idea that morality can be tested, and each character was going to have to take a side with either Arthur or Angela Petrelli. Any notion viewers had about a character’s set of ethics was destroyed as the characters on the show changed how they stood when it came to dealing with Sylar.

“Fugitives,” however, seems as if it will fix what the previous volume took away. As it seems now, the characters will have to work together to defeat the problems that will occur after Petrelli makes the war on people with abilities public.

Last fall’s “Villians” arc had many faults which even the show’s creator recognizes. One can only hope that these next episodes will help “Heroes” regain its popularity and prominence.

This time, there will be no need to save the cheerleader in order to save the world; instead, the heroes and villains will have to join together to protect the world which seeks to have them locked up.