Who could outdo De Niro and Pacino?


Today, “Righteous Kill” hits theaters. The film includes a powerful duo of classic actors, Robert De Niro and Al Pacino. I foresee these two dominating the big screen because they compliment each other so well, as they did in 1995’s “Heat.”

That got me thinking: Is there another pair of actors that could outdo De Niro and Pacino?

George Clooney and Brad Pitt continue to prove that high-grossing movies result from them working together. The “Ocean’s Eleven” series shows just how much better these actors are when they act together.

Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller have worked together for way too many movies to count, including “Zoolander,” “Starsky and Hutch” and “Meet the Parents,” just to name a few. This all-star comedy duo cracks enough jokes to appeal to anyone’s source of humor.

John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd’s performance in “The Blues Brothers” was amazing enough to make this a classic movie. These two have been considered the forefathers of comedy and it’s not hard to see why.

Chris Farley and David Spade are by far my favorite comedic duo. They have such chemistry (or lack thereof) that “Tommy Boy” is still considered one of my favorite comedies.

And finally, Edward Norton and Brad Pitt in “Fight Club” embody a brilliant acting duo. I doubt that the movie could’ve been as good as it was without these two acting as an amazing team in a “good cop, bad cop” kind of way.

While there’s no doubt in my mind that the acting in “Righteous Kill” will be excellent due to the teamwork of Robert De Niro and Al Pacino, there are many other duos that would give them a run for their money.