Local sales taxes raised unfairly


The Northern Star reported a couple of weeks ago that The DeKalb City Council has decided that YOU need to pay more Sales Tax and More for Gasoline if You choose to shop in the City of DeKalb. I”m not sure how many NIU students or NIU Staff were contacted by your elected DeKalb City Council representative and asked for your input on this…Probably none of you were. This City Council pushed through these tax measures in 20 days Flat! Your taxes will go up in a matter of months and you had NO SAY in IT!

The Push is on to REVOKE Home Rule in DeKalb!

An informational breakfast meeting on the organization of a citizen-based effort to place a referendum on DeKalb”s home rule authority was held April 7th at the Lincoln Inn restaurant.

Twelve residents attended the 7am meeting. Citizens, community and business leaders, including Second ward alderman, Kris Povlsen, were in attendance. Full details as to the points addressed are available at:


The idea behind putting the home rule authority question on the ballot is to give voters the chance to have a definitive say on the matter. The referendum will generate community discourse on the level of government services they are willing to pay for and the manner in which those services are financed. Voters would decide if the privilege of home rule authority has been abused and, if so, say in whether or not that abuse will be repeated.

Volunteers for the petition signing and the referendum drive are being sought. Fundraising for legal expenses and signs is needed.

Further informational meetings (open to the public) are scheduled as follows:

Noon lunch meeting (buy your own lunch) at the House Cafe, downtown DeKalb, on Friday, April 11, 2008.

Evening meeting 7PM, Thursday, April 17 at the Best Western Inn (1212 W Lincoln Hwy) in DeKalb.

Organizational meetings will be held Tuesdays at noon, beginning April 15th, at the DeKalb County Online office; 248 Palmer Court in DeKalb. (Brown bag lunch).

Everyone is welcome to attend!


Alumni “85